Tuesday, 16 August 2016

FA 1 class 5 eng

Class: __ Sec: ___                                     English                                             Time: 90 Mts.  
 Name: _______________________                                                                  Roll No.:____
READING    (5)

Signature of the Invigilator                                            Signature of the Evaluator
READING                                                                                                             (5 Marks)
I.       Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:-

According to the World Health Organisation, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not nearly an absence of diseases. The W.H.O definition considers three dimensions of health – physical, mental and social. All these three dimensions are closely associated with each other. Physical health is that in which every cell and every organ is functioning in perfect harmony with the rest of the body. Mental health means a sense of perfect well-being and mastery over his environment. An individual’s capacity for participation in the social system also measures his well-being. A person who enjoys all types of health – physical, mental and social - is said to be in a state of positive health. Health is the most important treasure which once lost cannot be regained.
      (a) Health can be defined  as__________________________________________________________________________
     (b) Health is not ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
    (c) State whether the following sentences are True or False:
     1. According to the World Health Organisation, health is a state of absence of diseases.                     ________
     2. Physical health means a sense of perfect well-being and mastery over his environment.   _______                                                                                                  
   (d). Why is health the most important treasure?
II.               Answer the following questions:
1.                 What is the ice-cream cart compared to in the poem “Ice-cream Man”?      (2 Marks)

2.                 Why did the Maharaja go into the kitchen in the afternoon?                 (2 Marks)

3.                 What would happen if nobody passes the ball in a basketball game?           (1 Mark)
III.              Write a paragraph on “Teamwork”.                                                         (5 Marks)

IV.       Write down the recipe of your favourite dish.                                                  (5 Marks)

V.          Make new words by adding / dropping few letters from the root word. One is done for you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (2 Marks)
Root Words


VI.               Write the contractions for the following phrases:                                                (1 Mark)
1.                    were not - ____________       2. who is - _____________
VII.           Write the full forms for the following:                                                                (1 Mark)
1.                    hasn’t - ___________            2. aren’t - ___________

VIII.         Complete the following paragraph by using suitable prepositions from the box. You may use a preposition more than once:                                                                     (2 Marks)

with,   off,   beside,   for,   in,   at,   from,   to,   on
Once there lived a saint ______ a forest. His followers also lived _______ him. One day he went ___________ the river to take bath. It was extremely cold. He took ______ his clothes but saw a snake frozen in the cold.

IX.               Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives:                                           (1 Mark)
a)                    ___________ branches
b)                    ___________ old bird

X.                  Frame a suitable question for the given statement:                                    (1 Mark)
Q.  ___________________________________________________________________?
A. My hobby is to collect stamps.
XI. Use any one of the given words as a noun and a verb in two different sentences:  (2 Marks)
         a) Scrap   or   b) Ground :
1._______________________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________
XII. Fill up the blanks to coin meaningful words:                                                 (1 Mark)
a)                    C __ U __ T __ R                     b) F __ A __ 
XIII.        Rearrange the jumbled words to coin meaningful words:                    (1 Mark) 
a)                    e a t s f - ______________             b)        z e b l a - ______________
XIV.        Tick the words with correct spelling:                                                         (1 Mark) 
a)                    Creeper / Creaper                   b)      Vhipped / Whipped      
XV.            Complete the word chain based on the examples given:                              (2 Marks)                                                                                 
a)                    Coconut
                                                      HANDWRITING                                           (5 Marks)
XVI.        Write the given paragraph neatly:
Why do some animals become extinct while some can survive? It is a point to ponder. Survival actually depends upon how one is adapted to one’s surroundings. The food, water, climate, prey, predator relationships – all such factors continuously interact with an animal. Those animals which are unable to adjust with these factors get extinct. Moreover, human interference in the form of deforestation, hunting, killing, urbanization and pollution cause many animals to become extinct rapidly.


FA 1 Class 5 math

(some diagrams could not be copied from word document )

A) VERY SHORT ANSWER:  (6 X 1 = 6)

1)      The numeral Fourteen lakhs two hundred  is ____________
2)      The place value of  5  in  14, 52,039 is ____________________      

3)Angle measures more that Right angle is _______________________

4)Put  >  or  <  symbol:
_______5408               5048                                                              7887 _________    8778
   5)   Unit of perimeter is measured in ____________  (unit / sq.unit)
B) SHORT ANSWER: (2 x 2 = 4)
          1)  Arrange the following numbers in Ascending and Descending order:
                        89695 ,     96985 ,    86995 ,     99685 ,    86959 ,    95968

            Ascending order:_________,  _________ , _________ , ________ , ________

            Descending order: _________,  _________ , _________ , ________ , ________
) Fin      2)   Find    the area and perimeter of the following  figure:


A) VERY SHORT ANSWER:  (2 X 1 = 2)

1) The instrument that is used to measure an angle is _____________

2) Frame the greatest and smallest 5 digit number using the digits  1 ,5 , 0 , 9 ,4
Greatest number  _______________  Smallest number __________________
B) SHORT ANSWER: (2 x 2 = 4) 
1)      A log boat travels 3½ kms in 1 hour. How much distance will it travel        in 3 hours?

2)      Write the time and kind of angle made in each clock:

C) LONG ANSWER: (1 x 4 = 4) 
Observe the figure and answer the questions:
1. Name the common vertex   __________
2. Name the right angle __________
3. Name the angle less than right angle _________
4. Name the angle more than right angle  ________                               
5. Name the arms of angle AOB _____ , _____

A)    VERY SHORT ANSWER:  (2 X 1 = 2)

1)      a)  44 +  444 +  4444         = ______________

b)  10000 – 9                     = ______________
2)      Area of a square whose side 1cm is ___________
B)    SHORT ANSWER: (2 x 2 = 4)
1)      Construct the following angles.
a)40˚                                                                      b)  120˚           
A)    LONG ANSWER: (1 x 4 = 4)
Price List per Kg.
Fresh Fish
Rs 200.00
Dry Fish
Rs 225.00
King Fish
Rs 400.00
Rs 508.00

a)  How many Kgs of Dry fish can you buy if you have Rs 550?

b)  Gracy buys 2 Kg Fresh Fish and 1 Kg King Fish .What amount will she           
spend altogether?

A)    VERY SHORT ANSWER:  (2 X 1 = 2)
1)      If  a motor boat travels 20 km in one hour, how many hours will it  take to travel 60 kms ?  _____________
2)      If the length and  breadth of a rectangle are 15 cm and 5 cm then its perimeter is _____________
B)    SHORT ANSWER: (2 x 2 = 4)
1)      Suma draws a Right angle and divides it into 3equal parts. What is the measure of each part? What kind of angle is each of these?
2)      Find the area of the following figures: [ 1 square has 1 sq.unit area]
A)    LONG ANSWER: (1 x 4 = 4)
         Draw any four different closed figures of 6 square area and give 4 colours.