Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Colour Wrapper for second term notebooks

 As an initiative to reduce the the bag load of students ,it is decided to have only one notebook for each subject in  the second term .(CW+HW in same notebook )
To enable them to easily identify the subject notebooks
All the class work notebooks of all the primary classes have to be covered in the specific colour paper.
 English - BLUE
                                Hindi    – PINK
    Maths    – YELLOW
  E V S    – GREEN
After covering with the given colour, write the childs name , roll number and subject name as given below with black sketch pen ( or may be printed ) then cover with the lamination sheet.Books have to be covered with brown sheet.

                                                                                                                                          4A 43
The paper is one side coloured and other side white.  

 Sample is displayed in the vidyalaya .

NOTE :It is available in all stationer shops / Raja paper store,100 ft road near  Periyar statue, karaikudi .

1 comment:

  1. yes mam. I have seen that place, thanks for guidance.
