Wednesday, 30 August 2017

class 5 eng PT

PT-1   ENGLISH (July-2017)
CLASS:V- SEC:                                                                                                 TIME : 90 Minutes
 NAME :                                                                                                             Roll No:________

Sign. of the Invigilator:                                                                 Sign of the Evaluator:

                    I. READING.                            (05)

Read the following passage and answer the following questions:
 My name is Aparna. I work in the head office of a small company in Pune, India. We make bottles and cans for soft drinks. I am a secretary. I type letters, make travel arrangements and keep track of appointments for my boss, Mr.Sulaiman. I also answer the telephone and take messages. I am fluent in Marathi and English, and I also speak a little Hindi. Knowledge of different languages is very useful in my profession. My company has many clients within the country and abroad. I start work each day at 9 a.m. and finish at 6 p.m. It takes me half an hour to reach home. I usually help my mother to cook dinner. We eat at 9 p.m. I read for a little while and go to sleep by 11 p.m. every night.

1) Where does Aparna work?

2) Who is the head of Aparna’s company?

3) What are the languages known to Aparna?

4) Find the same meaning words in the passage and write:
    Occupation       _______________            Cool drinks ________________
    Customers        _______________             Foreign      ________________

5) Write the opposites choosing from the passage:

     useless   X   ____________                      day    X    _____________

     much     X   ____________                      end    X    _____________

 PART – A    (  PROSE  /  POETRY)           (05)

1) Choose the rhyming words from the given box and write in pairs:

_________          _________                             _________       _________

2) Write the next lines of the poem THE ICE CREAM MAN:
     His cart might be a flower bed,

     The way the children cluster round,       

3) Write the answer for the following question:
     Why did the geese pretend to be dead?
_______________________________________________________________________    ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 4) Write the meanings:
   a)   Blaze         -          _____________________________________              
   b)  Teamwork -          _____________________________________

 5)  Write TRUE or   FALSE:

   a) The king had ordered a dinner in the palace.   (  __________  )                   

   b) The cook had planned to make another dish using the vegetable scraps.
                                                                                                   (  ________  )        

PART – B   ( GRAMMAR )                         (10)

1) Write 2 sentences for each word with the meaning of  NOUN and VERB.

    a) Point ( Noun): _____________________________________________

        Point  ( Verb ): _____________________________________________
     b) Ground (Noun ) : __________________________________________
        Ground ( Verb ) : ___________________________________________ ­­­­­­­­

2) Write 2 new words each by adding / dropping a few letters from the root words:
    a) Try        _______________          __________________
    b) Clean    _______________          __________________

3) Rearrange the jumbled words to make sentences:
   a)  stayed     bridegroom    the    his    the    with    night        in-laws .

   b)  was         made       curry       the       shoots        from      bamboo .


4) Write the opposites:
   a) Patient   X   ________________              b) Old       ______________

5) Write the contractions for the following:
   a) Has not  ______________                       b) Are not  ______________

PART – C     (COMPOSITION)                     (10)

Draw and Colour your dream Ice cream. Write any five sentences about any branded Ice cream.  OR     Write five sentences about a Game you like most.


    III . SPELLING                                   (05)
Fill in the missing letters:

1) F A _  O U R _ T E            2) T R _ N D L _ N G          3)   S _ E R N _ Y

4) C O N _ E  R _ E D                      5) S T _ U G _ L E D

Circle the correct spelling:

6)             COMMANDED         -  COMANDED
7)            TRATITIONAL         -  TRADITIONAL

8)            DELIGIOUS               -  DELICIOUS

9)           EXISTENCE               -  EXISTENSE

10)         FLAPPED                   -  FLAPED

                                    IV. HANDWRITING                                           (05)
Write the following passage neatly and legibly with cursive handwriting:

A friend is the most valuable gift of God. A man without a friend is like a boat without a rudder. Friends must be few and they must be true. A true friend is one who loves us without any motives, care for us without any expectations and pray for us without any selfishness. It takes a long time to find a true friend, but never miss them in life.


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